The Challenges of Being a New Pastor

By: Jason McCray

As a new pastor, there are numerous challenges that have impacted my ministry since moving from being a youth minister. While I was not blind to the challenges, I was amazed by the intensity of those challenges. The first major challenge has to do with prioritizing my time. Unfortunately, I fell into the trap of trying to be the official “Super Man” of the church, or should I say “Captain America” since I am more partial to him; because of the really cool shield and deep sense of patriotism. Sorry, I digress. While I knew and trusted in God, I would still try and do everything. In addition, I would struggle with trying to please everyone. While I did see God moving and impacting lives, I noticed my stress load would never decrease. Instead of making progress on the to-do list, there were two items added for every one item that was checked off. Feeling overwhelmed and inadequate was a constant way of life and ministry. Also, what about my family? I would see them and be with them but my focus seemed to be back on my to-do list. It became such a challenge that I doubted God for placing me in the pastorate position because I could not get a “handle” on everything that needed to be done. No matter how well the Sermon, the Bible lessons, and counseling sessions were, I felt like a failure.

The advice from others was simple. Jason, you just need to prioritize your time and your tasks. While I agreed with their quick solution, I always asked “How?”. How do I prioritize my time and my to-do list when both are full of priorities? I wonder if their system was better than mine. Practically, I would utilize a method of completing tasks similar to Franklin-Covey’s method. However, was it really the best? One of the best helps came from a book on my Logos Bible Software that was written over twenty years ago called The Time Crunch: What to do When You Can’t Do it All by Steve McKinley, John Maxwell, and Greg Asimakoupoulos. Even though the book is “dated” compared to our app driven society, the principles and nuggets of info can be brought into our 21st century context of ministry.  For instance, “…I set a prioritized schedule in advance. If you don’t set your schedule in advance, others will fill it for you—with no regard for your priorities.” What a simple but brilliant concept! After stopping to do a self evaluation of how I have been spending my time, I discovered that I had been allowing others to fill my time and my to-do list. While I am still not perfect in prioritizing my time, I have made better strides in organizing my schedule in advance so that I can better protect my time and the important tasks that must get done. For instance, I noticed that I accomplished more in a week when the week was planned out by weekend before the start of the new week. I didn’t plan out every single moment of time in order to leave room for some flexibility. When emergencies happened, I would come back to the weekly plan and make adjustments as needed when I have a moment. This plan of action and schedule would give me the opportunity to say “yes”, “no”, or more importantly “not right now” to someone because I am limited on the time that I have been given. However, there needs to be an obvious starting point.

Mark 1:35, “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” (ESV) Being more of a “night owl”, I hate this verse. However, it does not take away from its truth, importance, and example. No matter what our role or position in ministry may be, our schedule and work would fall short of how hard our Savior worked to spread God’s kingdom. Yet, no matter what, Jesus would go spend time with God the Father in a place that was private and away from everyone else. Yes, I would personally spend time with God on a daily basis. However, I have been inconsistent in giving God my to-do list and my schedule for Him to determine what His priorities are for that day, week, and month. Should I plan and prioritize my time in advance? Absolutely! However, I must consistently seek God daily and first thing to determine His will for His ministry. Martin Luther, the great Reformer, said this, “I have so much to do today, I must begin with at least two hours alone with God.” I have to admit. I am trying to change my habits and tendencies. I would go nuts to push pause on all that needs to be done in order to spend two hours of prayer with God. I shouldn’t, but I would feel guilty because I am not busy “doing.” Would you feel guilty? When I spend time with my God to align my will and to-do list with His, it amazes me how I am able to prioritize the time that has been given to me to further His kingdom. Am I perfect at following the example of Mark 1:35 and applying the concept of prioritizing my time? I wish I could say “yes”. I am getting better by the grace of God.

While my first challenge has everything to do with prioritizing my time, my second challenge has to do with a phrase that God gave me during a prayer time, “stay the course.” Before coming pastor of FBC of Lebanon Junction in April of 2013, I had the opportunity to be a full-time youth pastor for over eight years in Elizabethtown, KY. While it was a wonderful blessing and will treasure every opportunity I had there, there were many difficult moments and hardships. Some challenges I handled very well by the grace of God. Unfortunately, some I could of handled much better than I did. Yet through all those challenges, I walked away believing that I was equipped and ready for any challenges that I would face at the pastorate position. I know. I know. For those experienced and seasoned pastors, go ahead and laugh. In fact, I am chuckling as I reflect on it. While there have been countless experiences and opportunities that have prepared me for the pastor position, I still had a lot to learn. In reality, I still have a lot more to learn. Before reaching that point of humility, there have been many situations and emergencies in which I have been frustrated and wanted to give up by seeking a new church or even leaving the ministry. Frequently, I would pray for such opportunities and God to just speak to me. On one such occasion, God revealed that phrase from earlier, “Stay the course.” Frankly, I was hoping for something a little more.

Yet as I meditate on those words, I was reminded of Scripture. Hebrews 12:1-2, Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Similar to the earlier issue with prioritizing my time, I had tried to do ministry my way. I had lost sight of when God had called me to the ministry to begin with. He is the One that called me. I did not call myself. Doesn’t that sound silly? God is the One who is commanding and encouraging me to run the marathon race, not the sprint, that He has set before me. So during that wonderful time of prayer, God could not have given me any better words to encourage me to stay where I am and in ministry than “Stay the course.”

While there are other challenges that I have faced and will face, I know I will be able to get through them. In addition, I know that you will be able to get through every challenge you are facing and will face. How do I know this? First, aligning our priorities with God’s by following Jesus’ example in Mark 1:35. Second, “Stay the Course.”


Jason has been the Pastor of First Baptist Church of Lebanon Junction in Bullitt County since April 2014. Prior, Jason served as the Youth Pastor for Valley Creek Baptist Church in Elizabethtown for over eight years. Jason is a graduate of Boyce college and received his masters from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jason has been married to Angela for 12 years, and has two children: Carter and Anneliese. In his free time Jason enjoys reading, history, golf, sports, and photography.


1 thought on “The Challenges of Being a New Pastor

  1. Hey Jason,
    I really needed your post this morning. I’m sure I drive my wife crazy as I talk about this subject every day! Now that you mention it, I wish the association would plan some kind of seminar for all of us ministers to discuss ways to help each other work through this difficult issue. Kind of a “bring your calendar/hands on” sort of thing (think about that in your spare time 🙂 I have been in ministry for 38 years. My only suggestion concerning your article is to drop the word “new” from your title. We all struggle with this. Thanks again. The Lord has used you today to touch my heart!!!

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