2018 Week of Prayer – May 25th

Lord, help us not to give up but to finish well! May we encourage one another to stay in the race!

(Hebrews 12:1, Galatians 6:9-10, Hebrews 10:35-39)

Pray For: 

Mt. Zion, Billy Jenkins

New Beginning, Jeffery Griggs

New Salem, Jonathan Gann

Parkway, James Carroll

People’s Church, Josh Bunch

Pray for the Auxiliary Teams that support and encourage the work we do together. Pray for the WMU in our association lead by Lisa Crenshaw, Vine Hill, and the many ministries they are connected with – including mission trips and partnerships, Buckets of Hope for AIDS patients and families in Africa, International Friendship Club, etc. Pray also for the Prayer Team. 

2018 Week of Prayer – May 24th

Lord, forgive us, heals us, and help us to turn away from our wicked ways. Pray for a fresh wind of confession and repentance to move through our churches so that we can run freely and purely as we follow and serve our Lord.

(Hebrews 12:1, Acts 3:19, Ezekiel 18:30-32, Psalm 51)

Pray For:

Mercy Hill, Nate Young

Mill Creek, Gary Chesser

Mt. Carmel, Mike Nalley

Mt. Eden, Gene Travis

Mt. Moriah, Darron Chapman

Pray for the Church Evangelism Team: Leader – Nathan Young, Mercy Hill; Assistant Leader – Mike Nalley, Mt. Carmel. 

Pray for the various ministries supported and carried out by this team: 20schemes, Nepal, Multiply 22, Church Planting Partnerships, Good News Clubs, and Evangelism Projects. 

2018 Week of Prayer – May 23rd

Lord, show us what hinders the work of the gospel, the carrying out of the Great Commission, and the growth of disciples. Whether personally or in our churches may we lay aside anything that hinders!

Pray For: 

FBC New Haven, Aaron Shipp

FBC Shepherdsville, Adam Smith

Hobbs, Bill Daniel

Immanuel, Carl Thomas

Little Union, Will Sipes

Pray for the Administrative Team which includes the DOM, Officers, Team Leaders/Asst. Team Leaders, and Members-at-Large (Jake Lynch, FBC Mt. Washington and Vacant – Dennis King, Retired). 

Pray for the NBA Annual Meeting that will be held at FBC Mt. Washington on Sunday, September 9, 2018. 

2018 Week of Prayer – May 22nd

Give thanks for all God has done for you including providing such a great cloud of witnesses around you (both pastors and others; locally and beyond) to point you to Jesus and help you grow as a disciple.

(Hebrews 12:1; Psalm 95; Col. 1:3-14; 1 Tim. 2:1-4, 5:17-18; 1 Th. 3:6-10)

Pray For: 

Eagle Heights, Shelby Pruitt

Eastside, Arnold Brown

Grace Fellowship, Tim Sizemore

FBC Lebanon Junction, Jason McCray

FBC Mt. Washington, Interim

Pray for the Church Equipping Team: Leader – Chad Morrow, River View; Assistant Team Leader – Jason McCray, FBC Lebanon Jct. 

Pray for the various ministries supported and carried out by this team: Training/Equipping Conferences (Sunday School; Conflict Resolution Seminar; etc); Strengthening Pastors/Strengthening Churches Workshops; Consulting; Coaching. 


2018 Week of Prayer – May 21st

Yield to God as the Lord over all and join Him as He works in our world today. He is doing new things – Isaiah 43:19, making new creatures – 2 Cor. 5:17, maintaining a new and living way – Heb. 10:20, establishing a new birth – 1 Pet. 1:3, giving new hearts – Ezek. 36:26, etc. Let’s serve Him as He calls and equips us!

(Hebrews 12:1; 1 Corinthians 9:24-26)

Pray For: 

Bullitt Lick, Josh Landrum

Cedar Grove, Larry Sowders

Chaplin, Mike Thompson

Clermont, Jimmy Shepherd

Cox’s Creek, James Bratcher

Crossing Church, Interim

Pray for the NBA Executive Board and the NBA officers: Moderator – Larry Sowders, Cedar Grove; Moderator-Elect – Josh Landrum, Bullitt Lick; Clerk – Jonathan Gann, New Salem; Treasurer – Scott Slater, Mercy Hill; Assistant Treasurer – Gary Muncie, Little Union.