Grant Opportunities

  1. Evangelism Grants: Evangelism Grants are given to help churches share the gospel with their community. If your church needs some extra funding to help outreach efforts, please fill out the funding request form on the NBA’s website.
  • Church Planting Grants: The association is willing to partner with your church to help support a church plant. Please pray for more church planters to be raised and sent out from our association. Contact the association if you would like to inquire about a grant.
  • Mission Trip Grants for Pastors/Church Leaders: We are expanding our Mission Trip Grants this year. We have increased our budget to $4000 and we are increasing the amount offered for mission trips to our Ministry Partners (20 Schemes, Global Mission Nepal, Rohan Community Church in Morehead KY, Faithbridge Community Church in Pittsburg).
  • Up to $1000 or %50 for Foreign Mission Trips
    • Up to $500 or %50 for Domestic Mission Trips
    • Up to $400 or %50 for non-partnership Mission Trips (Foreign or Domestic)
    • Those receiving a scholarship will be asked to share a testimony about their trip with the association.
  • New Matching Grants:If your church gives financially to one of our four ministry partners the association will match up to $1000. (Limit of $1000 from the association a year for each partner ministry)

Click Here for the Funding Request Form