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2017 Week of Prayer – May 24th – The Act of Discipleship

Pray that Christians will realize the importance of helping one another grow in their relationships with the Lord. Ask that God to help us to be disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. Pray that those who are led to the Lord will have a person or a small group they can connect with and learn from as a new follower of Jesus and will develop into a disciple-maker. May the making of disciples become a priority in our churches. (Acts 2:42-47)

Pray For: 

FBC Shepherdsville, Adam Smith

Hobbs, Bill Daniel

Getsemani, Bernado Caballero

Immanuel, Carl Thomas

Little Union, Will Sipes

Pray for the Administrative Team: 

  • DOM, Officers, Team Leaders/Asst. Team Leaders, and Members-at-Large (Josh Landrum, Bullitt Lick and Mike Nalley, Mt. Carmel).

Pray for the NBA annual meeting that will be held at Parkway on Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017. 

2017 Week of Prayer – May 22nd – The Act of Fellowship

Pray that God will prompt His people to connect with one another in meaningful spiritual relationships, encouraging one another to live and serve in Jesus’ name, and to actively pray for one another. (Acts 2:42,46)

Pray for: 

Bullitt Lick, Josh Landrum

Cedar Grove, Larry Sowders

Chaplin, Mike Thompson

Cox’s Creek, James Bratcher

Crossing Church

Pray for the NBA Executive Board and NBA officers: 

  • Moderator – Matthew Spandler-Davison, Redeemer Fellowship
  • Moderator Elect – Larry Sowders, Cedar Grove
  • Clerk – Scott Slater, Mercy Hill
  • Treasurer – Gary Muncie, Little Union
  • Assistant Treasurer – Richard Carwile, Bloomfield

Pray for the next Executive Board Meeting: August 1st, River View Baptist, 11 AM. 

2017 Associational Missions Emphasis – Week of Prayer

Welcome to the 2017 Nelson Baptist Association Missions Emphasis homepage for Week of Prayer. Below you will find a letter from our Director of Missions, Stan Lowery. 

Dear Pastor and/or Church Leader,

I want to personally thank you for your partnership in the gospel of Jesus Christ! I am thankful for your support and for the work you do in His ministry!

I also want to encourage you and your church to pray with us during the Week of Emphasis on Associational Missions. The Week of Prayer for Associational Missions is scheduled nationally for May 21- 28, but can be done at another time if you and your church need to do so. You will notice that the Prayer Card (available on request) and Prayer Guide available on request) are undated for this very reason. The Prayer Card is developed in a bookmark format to encourage us to pray through out the year. It can be placed in a Bible so that it can remind us to pray for our sister churches and pastors in an ongoing manner. The Prayer Guide is similar in design to the materials that are used during other weeks of prayer (Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, etc.) but with a local flavor and emphasis. I hope you will encourage your church to make use of these materials.

We are asking each church to set aside some time not only to pray for one another and the ministry we do together. But also discuss the work God wants and can do in and through our local association.  It is a great time to consider God’s purpose for our association and to celebrate what God is doing in our midst. Check out our website for more information and resources that can be used during this emphasis. 

We are also asking that each church, during this period of emphasis and prayer, consider receiving a love offering for the support of the New Hope Pregnancy Center as they are in the process of moving to new facilities. The Lord is working and in this time of transition, it is important that we do not forget to be faithful in our support of this ministry and the many others that God is encouraging us to support and do together. Please pray and allow the Lord to lead you in this regard. If God leads you to take a love offering to support a different ministry that we support and do together just let us know so that it can get to the right place. If you have any questions or need more information please let me know.

Again, I thank you as we labor together with God.  (1 Cor. 3:9).


Stan Lowery
Director of Missions

Please download and distribute the following resources to assist your church in praying with us (click the title to download):

2017-AME Bulletin Cover

2017-Associational Missions Emphasis Bookmark 

You may appreciate these articles from the website of Dr. Paul Chitwood, Executive Director of the Kentucky Baptist Convention:

Is Associationalism Dead? 

Nelson Association Has Strong Kingdom Focus 

Other Resources that may be helpful: 

History of the Baptist Associations In America

Do State Conventions and Associations have a future in the Southern Baptist Convention? 

How Southern Baptists Cooperate

How to Calculate the Cooperative Program Percentage in your Church

D Group Conference

MULTIPLY is a training opportunity designed to inform and encourage us to develop a small-group adult discipleship ministry within our church. The focus is to develop groups of 4-5 people meeting together weekly for a year’s time in a single-gender group. The main aspects of these groups are Bible study, Scripture memory, and spiritual accountability.

Sign up for the conference here.