Electing Messengers to the NBA Annual Meeting

Please let us know how many people from your church will be attending this year’s Annual Meeting and how many messengers your church will be sending by filling out this form.

This is pivotal for two reasons: First, there are some proposed changes to the constitution and by-laws that will be voted upon during the Worship/Business Session at 6:30 p.m. There is also a church requesting membership into the Nelson Baptist Association that will be voted upon.  This is why each church needs to send messengers to the Annual Meeting.  Second, the association will be providing boxed lunches from Penn Station during the Dinner/Ministry Booth Session.  If we can get an estimate of how many will be attending then we will be able to get a more accurate count on how many boxed lunches we will need.

How to elect messengers to the Annual Meeting:

According to our constitution, messengers are elected from their membership as follows:

1) Each church shall be entitled to two (2) messengers for the first fifty (50) members.

2) For each additional twenty-five (25) members, or major portion thereof, each church may choose one (1) messenger up to twenty (20) messengers.

3) In addition to the number of messengers a church is allowed by its membership, it is to be noted that all pastors of member churches and team leaders, assistant team leaders, members at large of the Administrative Team, and officers of association are considered messengers.
We hope to have a large turnout as our churches come together for a time of equipping, fellowship, business, and worship!